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Pennsylvania Flower Growers #162


Pot mums of better than average quality can be produced easily by providing optimum growing conditions throughout the crop cycle, but particularly during the first 3 or 4 weeks of growth. What do we mean by better than average quality? The growth of an excellent pot mum should be heavy and vigorous with large, succulent leaves of a rich green color. Twenty to 28 uniformly open disbudded (lowers should be displayed on strong stems 12 to 15 inches from the rim of the pot. Only 4 cuttings in a 6 inch pot should be necessary to produce this plant from a single pinch. One of these high quality plants is illustrated in Figure 1. Contrast this plant with some of the average pot FIGURE 1 — Yellow Delaware pot mum produced from 4 cuttings in 6-inch pot. Plant placed at an angle for photograph. mums that may be too tall, that have thin stems and small leaves often yellow-green in color and 12 to 15 flowers produced with 5 to 6 cuttings. Does this comparison answer the question? In our research program at Penn State on soil mixtures, growth regulators, automatic watering and fertilizing, we have used pot mums as test plants. From a large number of different experiments, we have developed a program for producing pot mums of extra high quality. If the grower expects to produce pot mums of high quality, optimum growing conditions must be provided. But more important, the greenhouse management must be on the ball. Attention to the details of the cultural program is essential and cultural procedures must be carried out on schedule. The growth mums that may be too tall, that have thin stems and small leaves often yellow-green in color and 12 to 15 flowers produced with 5 to 6 cuttings. Does this comparison answer the question? In our research program at Penn State on soil mixtures, growth regulators, automatic watering and fertilizing, we have used pot mums as test plants. From a large number of different experiments, we have developed a program for producing pot mums of extra high quality.

Keywords: Soil mixture High quality schedule Superphosphate and Lime Pinch Soft

Libraries: Floriculture

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