Close Spacing Can Cause Blasting Of Iris
Pennsylvania Flower Growers #32
Proper spacing to give each plant adequate light coupled with proper temperature and watering will prevent blasting of flower buds of Wedgewood iris. This is important especially for the crops flowered in the darkest months of winter. It is recommended that iris be grown at a 50 degree night temperature because it has been demonstrated that a 60 degree night temperature during periods of poor light will cause blasting. To study the effect of light intensity last winter, the students in the Advanced Floriculture class flatted 10 centimeter West Coast bulbs October 30, 1952. The flats were three inches deep and 14 by 20 inches inside dimensions. In some flats the bulbs were planted 5 bulbs across and 7 rows lengthwise, giving 35 bulbs per flat and approximately a 3 by 3 inch spacing. In other flats the bulbs were planted 7 across and 10 rows lengthwise giving 70 bulbs per flat and a 2 by 2 inch spacing
Keywords: light intensity Effect of spacing Three by three inch spacing 50 degree night temperature soil moist
Libraries: Floriculture