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Ornamental Gingers as Flowering Potted Plants – Part 2 Effects of Rhizome Storage on Growth and Development


Rhizome storage effects are specific to ginger species


Ornamental gingers are popular cut flowers and have been promoted as a flowering potted plant because of their unique foliage, long-lasting colorful bracts, and few pest problems. Herbaceous perennials of the Zingiberaceae family, they have fleshy rhizomes and tuberous roots that are used for propagation. Under short days, plants enter “dormancy” and the rhizomes are harvested. Determining the effects of rhizome storage on “dormancy” and subsequent emergence are essential for uniform production of a marketable flowering potted plant. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine the effect of storage time and temperature on shoot emergence, growth, and flowering.

Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #510

Libraries: Floriculture

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