Optimizing Postharvest Life of Cut Trachelium
Optimizing Postharvest Life of Cut Trachelium
Each year a large number of new cultivars and species are made available from plant breeders, propagators, and suppliers. Specific postharvest information must be obtained for these new species as they are made available to the market. One cut flower new to the United States, trachelium (Photo 1), produces tall slender (but strong) stems topped by masses of tiny star-shaped florets that form a flatten head ranging from 3-6 inches in diameter. The purple, rose or white flowers can be used as fillers in bouquets or arrangements, blending softly with most colors. This study determined the optimum handling procedures to extend the postharvest life of cut trachelium stems.
Source: • American Floral Endowment Special Research Reports #427
Libraries: Floriculture