Horticulture Document Library

This is a powerful, but focused document repository designed to connect our research-based scientific literature, trade and association magazines/websites with a comprehensive internet search.


Document Title Library Keywords Abstract
Modern Gladiolus Production Floriculture
Soil for Stock Plants Floriculture
Hardy Mums- Tips For Finishing Quality Plants Floriculture
Summer Care of Geraniums Floriculture
Automatic Watering for Pot Plants Floriculture Pot plants
Carnation Quality and Carbon Dioxide Floriculture Carbon dioxide, Carnation Quality
Hydroponics - Hype and Hope Floriculture
Height Control of Mid-Century Hybrid Lilies Floriculture
Dwarf Gerberas - Present and Future Floriculture
The Effects of Phthalimides and Gibberellic Acid on the Flowering of Cyclamen Floriculture
The Push is on to Improve Postharvest Life of Pot Plants Floriculture
Organic Gardening - Some Advantages and Disadvantages Floriculture
Using Edible Fruit-Producing Plants in the Landscape Floriculture
Beefs Aplenty About the Quality of Flowers Shipped to Retailers Floriculture
A Guide for the Postharvest Handling of Fresh Flowers to Extend Their Useful Life Floriculture The postharvest handling of cut flowers will be discu…
A Guide for the Postharvest Handling of Fresh Flowers to Extend Their Useful Life Floriculture In this third and final segment of our series on the …
Growth Retardant for Floriculturists in Illinois Floriculture
New Ornamental Crops for the U.S. Floral Industry Floriculture
Gardening to Decline 16% Over the Next 15 Years? Floriculture
Carnation Variety Trial and Cultural Tests Floriculture
Easter Lilies Floriculture
Grassy Mutants in Carnations Floriculture
50 Degrees for Snapdragons Floriculture
Handling and Storage of Easter Lily Bulbs Floriculture
Lily Nutrition Floriculture
The Root Rot Disease of Poinsettias Floriculture
Peonies as a Potential Forcing Crop (1989) Floriculture The genus Paeonla (Family Paeoniacae) consists of over…
Boron Deficiency in Carnations Floriculture
Gloxinias 365 Days a Year Floriculture
Aphids and Their Control in Greenhouses Floriculture
Poinsettias Floriculture The poinsettia is an essential crop for most growers.…
Correcting Boron Defiency in Carnations Floriculture
Easter Liles Floriculture
Floral Crops Disease Control Floriculture
A Progress Report on Shipping Test with Gladioli Floriculture
Post-Harvest and Handling of Dutch Iris Flowers Floriculture
Soil Salinity Tolerance of Azaleas and Camellias Floriculture
Pot Mum Container Study Floriculture
The Practical Use of Phosfon-D as a Drench in Pot-Mum Culture Floriculture
Efficient Use of Greenhouse Space Floriculture
Lines by Larson Floriculture
Report on 1962 Poinsettia Height Control Studies Floriculture
Expected Advances in the Bedding Plant Industry Floriculture
Response Groups and Varieties For Year-Round Snapdragons Floriculture
Living Insecticides Floriculture
Easter Lily Forcing Floriculture
1961 Program on the Use of Cycocel on Poinsettias Floriculture
Bench Arrangements for Cut Flowers Floriculture
Snapdragons Floriculture
New Disease of Greenhouse Snapdragons Controled Floriculture
A Quick Look at Slow-Release Fertilizers Floriculture
Slow-Release Fertilizers on Pot Mums Floriculture
Cornell Chrysanthemum School Floriculture
Poinsettia Culture Floriculture
North Carolina Pot Mums Floriculture
Cultural Suggestions for Prevention of Losses in Azaleas Floriculture
Annual Flower Grower's Short Course Floriculture
Effects of Soil Sterilization Upon Disease and Fertilizer Response of Gladiolus Floriculture
Extension Notes - Azalea Problems Floriculture
The Use of Peanut Hulls in Pot Mum Culture Floriculture
Variety Tests with Gladiolus - 1965 Floriculture
A Review of Poinsettia Problems - 1967 Floriculture
Consider the Lilies of the Field, How They Grow Floriculture
NC State Flower Judging Team Second Floriculture
Seasonal Cropping of carnations in Piedmont North Carolina Floriculture
North Carolina State University Judging Team Places Second Floriculture
New Poinsettia Varieties, Slow-Release Fertilizers = Success Floriculture
Efforts to Escape Azalea Flower Bud Dormancy Floriculture
The Effects of Growth Retardants and Temperature on the Growth and Flowering of Poinsettia CVS Floriculture
Molybdenum Deficiency on Poinsettias, A Cause of Leaf Damage Floriculture
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Amonium Toxicity in Chrysanthemum Floriculture
Current Thoughts on Pine Bark Floriculture
Calcium Deficiency of Chrysanthemum Floriculture
Whiteflies in the Commercial Greenhouse Floriculture
Copper Dificiency of Roses Floriculture
The Easter Lily Crop, 1973 Floriculture
Common Diseases of Rieger Begonias and Their Control Floriculture
Iron Deficiency of Chrysanthemum Resulting From Over-Sterilization Floriculture
Maximum Return with Mini-Poinsettias Floriculture
The Role of Chelates in the Greenhouse Floriculture
Damping off and its Control Floriculture
Mealybugs and Their Control Floriculture
Calcium Deficiency of Rose Floriculture
Proper Spacing for Rieger Elatior Begonia Floriculture
Poinsettia Hanging Baskets Floriculture
Kalanchoe Powdery Mildew Floriculture
Heating Greenhouses with Solar Energy Floriculture
Rhizoctonia Root Rot Control of Poinsettia Floriculture
Varieties of Fibrous Begonia for a Flowering Plant Crop Floriculture
Kalanchoe Production Floriculture
Insect and Mite Pests of Chrysanthemums Floriculture
The Status of Standard Mums in North Carolina Floriculture
Greenhouse Solar Energy Research at NCSU - A Progress Report Floriculture
Bothered with High Humidity-Botyrtis, Mildew Floriculture
Mat Watering - A Progress Report Floriculture
Mat Watering and Plant Diseases Floriculture
Flower Production in Bogota Floriculture
Split Temperatures- Handle with Care Floriculture
Nutrient Deficiencies of Rieger Elatior Begonia Floriculture
Effects of Water Temperature on Easter Lilies Floriculture
Flower Initiation in Rhododendrons as Influenced by Temperature and Light Intensity Floriculture
Micronutrient Sources for Greenhouse Crops Floriculture
Reduction in Production Time for 10 cm Azaleas with Chemical Pinching Floriculture
Poinsettia Epinasty Cause is Known, Cure is Not Floriculture
Ancymidol Spray Considered for use on Pot Tulips Floriculture
Cut Flower Nutrition Floriculture
Is Chemical Pinching of Azaleas Worthwhile Floriculture
The Year the Fushias were Late Floriculture
Acclimatization of Foliage Plants- What is it Floriculture
The New Bacterial Spot Disease of Zinnia is Seedborne Floriculture
Allium karataviense - A Lonely Little Onion in a Petunia Patch Floriculture
Boston Fern Production Floriculture
Commercial Production of Exacum Floriculture
Definite Long Days, Warm Temperatures Favor Fushia Flowering Floriculture
Which Type of Greenhouse Should You Build Glass or Polyethylene Floriculture
Greenhouse Shadings - A Little Goes A Long Way Floriculture
A View of Some N.C. Floricultural Facts Floriculture
Achimenes Floriculture
Hydrangeas Respond to New Growth Regulator Floriculture
The Leafminer Liriomyza trifolii Floriculture
Holiday Cacti Growing Tips Floriculture
An Update on Spring-Flowering Bulb Crops Floriculture
Money Might Not Grow on Trees, But — Floriculture
Flowering Control for Non Stop Tuberous Begonias Floriculture
Application of Cycocel as an Aerosol Spray Floriculture
A Packaged Deal for a New Specialty Floriculture
Nutrition of Forced Tulips in Greenhouse and Hydropondic Culture Floriculture
A Serious New Disease of Marigold in North Carolina Floriculture
Interiorscaping Can Be For The Birds Floriculture
Floriculture Programs at North Carolina State University Floriculture
An Illustrated Guide to the Initiation and Development of Azalea Flowers Floriculture
Environmental Versus Chemical Manipulation of Azalea Flowering Floriculture
Growth of Geranium and Snapdragon Plugs Fertilized with Controlled Release Micro-Fertilizer and Exposed to Root-Zone Heating Floriculture
African Violets They Aren't What They Used To Be Floriculture
African Violet Chimeras A Practical Use of Micropropagation Floriculture
Formulating Greenhouse Fertilizers Floriculture
Chemical Control of Geranium Growth and Flowering Floriculture Geraniums are quite important in the economy of the fl…
A Stem Canker of Poinsettia Caused by Improper Cultural Practices Floriculture
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Gloxinia in North Carolina Floriculture
Your Poinsettias Don't Have to be Too Tall Floriculture
The Culture of Elatior- Begonia Floriculture
A New Growth Regulator Works on Pot Mums Floriculture
Ethylene Pollution - It Even Happens in Denmark Floriculture
Tight Houses + Unvented or Faulty Heaters = High risk for Disaster Floriculture
New Poinsettia Varieties - Something for Everyone Floriculture
Update on Western Flower Thrips and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Floriculture
Control of Fungus Gnats in Greenhouses with Vectobac (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis) Floriculture
Bacterial Leaf Spot and Bud Blight of Chrysanthemum Floriculture
Carzol Granted Special Local Need Registration for Greenhouse Use in North Carolina Floriculture
Short and Early Poinsettias in 1988 A Possible Explanation Floriculture
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Floriculture What are the prospects for Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus o…
1988 North Carolina Floriculture Statistucs - A Floriculturist's Delight, and Economist's Nightmare Floriculture
Screening As Part of Insect and Disease Management in the Greenhouse Floriculture Robb and Parrella (1988) described a greenhouse screen…
Forests and Fried Okra Floriculture Fruits
Insecticide Resistance in Greenhouses Floriculture
The North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers' Association - Its History and Purpose Floriculture
Fungicides for Control of Rhizoctonia Stem Rot of Poinsettia in Oasis Rooting Cubes Floriculture
Integrated Pest Management Floriculture
Cultural Practices and IPM for Poinsettiass Floriculture
Height Control of Greenhouse Crops Floriculture
Managing Micronutrients in the Greenhouse (NC) Floriculture Excesses Can Cause Deficiencies. Excessive application…
An Update on Screening As Part of Insect and Disease Management in the Greenhouse Floriculture
Soil and Fertility Management of Easter Lily Floriculture
Chemical Growth Retardants for Bedding Plants Floriculture
A Common Misconception about Substrates Floriculture
Greenhouse Engineering Research at NCSU Floriculture
Growth Retardant Effects on Hydrangeas Floriculture
Tank Mixes Floriculture
Consider Sumagic for Your Easter Lilies Floriculture
Greenhouse Shading Floriculture
Sticky Cards and Insect Scouting Floriculture
Those Tempting Late Poinsettia Cuttings - Are They Worth Saving Floriculture
Fern Scale Insects Floriculture
Is There A Lily to Take the Place of 'Ace' Or 'Nellie White'? Floriculture
Drenching Dilemmas Floriculture
Floriculture's Future - The University and Industry Floriculture
Recycling - How Are You Going to Dispose of Unsaleable Plants in 1993 Floriculture
Success With Hydrangeas Floriculture
Low Volume Pesticide Application Systems for the Greenhouse (NC) Floriculture Though high volume (HV) spraying is the most tradition…
Drenching Dilemmas II Floriculture
Fungicides in Poinsettia Propagation Floriculture
Cleary's 3336 Flowable Problems Floriculture
The Storm of '93 Floriculture
Survey of Floriculture Greenhouses in North Carolina Floriculture
Avoiding Poinsettia Production Problems Floriculture
Floriculture's Future as I See It Floriculture
Screening as Part of Insect and Disease Management in the Greenhouse Floriculture Resistance to pesticides has made control of insect an…
Sumagic on Easter Lilies Floriculture
Water Acidification Floriculture
Water Quality Floriculture
Poinsettia Scheduling Floriculture
Phytotoxicity and Growth Regulation of Rooted Chrysanthemum Cuttings from Insecticidal Dips Floriculture
Growth Regulators for Floricultural Crops Floriculture
Misting External Shade Cloths Part 2 Does It Matter What Kind of Cloth? Floriculture
An Update on Screening for the Exclusion of Insect Pests Floriculture
Misting External Shade Cloths Part 1 Relief from the Heat? Floriculture
Fifty Poinsettia Cultivars in 1994 Floriculture
Greenhouse Screening Comparison of Materials for Excluding Thrips and Whiteflies Floriculture
A Penny for Your Pensees (NC) Floriculture Pansies have become the most popular annual for mid-fa…
Production of Eryngium Floriculture
Properties of Greenhouse Substrates Floriculture
Garden Chrysanthemum Culture the Easy Way Floriculture
Bedding Plant Fertilization Strategies Floriculture
Evaluation of Poinsettia Cultivars at N.C. State University in 1995 Floriculture
Does Pearlite Play a Role in Fluoride Toxicity on Floricultural Crops Floriculture
Perennials - Basics of Profitable Production (Part II) Floriculture
Greenhouse Weed Control (NC) Floriculture Wdssuch as creeping woodsorrel {Oxalis comiculata), ha…
Choose a Greenhouse Screen Based on its Pest Exclusion Efficiency Floriculture
The 1996 Poinsettia Cultivar Trial - A Different Approach Floriculture
Field Production of Cut Flowers - A Primer Floriculture
Success With Garden Mums Floriculture
Fertility Management for Geraniums Floriculture
1997 Summer Bedding Plant Trial Summary Floriculture
Efficasy of A-Rest, Bonzi, and Sumagic on Growth of Tuberous-Rooted Dahlias Floriculture
Greenhouse BMP's: Not Just for Breakfast Anymore Floriculture
The Neuse Starts Here Floriculture
Cost of Producing Ornamental Cabbage and Kale (NC) Floriculture Profitable production of ornamental cabbage and kale i…
Field Production of Cut Flowers - A Primer Part II Floriculture
Ornamental Cabbage and Kale Production Update Floriculture
Joe Stoffregen is Chosen 1998 Horticulture Outstanding Alumnus Floriculture
Research Report - Fertilizer Rate Effects on Growth of Variegated and Green-leaved Double Impatiens Floriculture
Field Production of Cut Flowers - A Bouquet of Potential Crops Floriculture
Success with Pot Sunflowers Floriculture
Are Your Geraniums Happy? Floriculture
Growing Asian Vegetables as Floricultural Crops Floriculture
Ethylene - Sources, Effects, and Prevention for Greenhouse-Grown Crops Floriculture
Ethylene Sampling Protocols for Greenhouse-Grown Crops Floriculture
Research Progress Report - Ornamental Grass Growth Regulator Study Floriculture
Research Progress Report - The Effect of B-Nine, Bonzi, and Sumagic on the growth of Ornamental Cabbage and Kale Floriculture
Establishing a PourThru Sampling Program for Geraniums Floriculture
NCCFGA Operation Update Floriculture
Avoiding Geranium pH Drop Floriculture
Cultural Tips for 4.5 Inch Winter Rose Poinsettias Floriculture
Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies of Bedding Plants Floriculture
Aphids in the Greenhouse Floriculture
Disease Alert - Daylily Rust Floriculture
Managing Botrytis in the Greenhouse - What you Should Know About Fungicide Resistance Floriculture
Retail Reflections - Post Production Fertilization Floriculture
Plant Propagation - Basic Prinicples and Mthedology Floriculture
Retailing Starts with Benches and Charts Floriculture
Success with Vegetative Petunias and Calibrachoa Floriculture
Success with Ornamental Peppers Floriculture
Winter Annuals - A Cure for the Common Cold Floriculture
Fall Pansy Fertilization Floriculture
Outstanding Ornamentals Floriculture
Effect of B-Nine and Bonzi on 'Munchkin' Sunflowers Floriculture
Getting your Feet Wet With Aquatic Plants and Displays Floriculture
Signs of the times Floriculture
10th Anniversary National Poinsettia Trial Program Highlights Floriculture
Magensium (Mg) Check-up Floriculture