Horticulture Document Library

This is a powerful, but focused document repository designed to connect our research-based scientific literature, trade and association magazines/websites with a comprehensive internet search.


Document Title Library Keywords Abstract
Reporting Soluble Salt Readings Floriculture
Sugar Soil Treatment Floriculture
'Arai' Lily Growth as Affected by A-Rest Floriculture
Disease Control in Easter Lilies Floriculture
What Size Greenhouse Heater? Floriculture
Nitrate Vs. Ammonium Nitrogen in Pansy Fertilization Floriculture
Creosote = Death Floriculture
Bulb Forcing Reminders Floriculture To produce quality tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs, …
Lily Leaf Counting Floriculture
Prediction of Flowering Date by Bud Length in 'Arai' Lilies Floriculture
Soil Phosphorous and Lily Leaves Floriculture
Azalea Petal Blight Floriculture
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Injusry to Bedding Plants Floriculture
untitled Floriculture
Botrytis on Tulips Floriculture
Control Greenhouse Drip Floriculture
Whitefly Control With SBP-1382 Floriculture
Christmas Cactuses at Home Floriculture
Preventing Backflow From Your Fertilizer Injector Floriculture
Herbicide Combinations for Weed Control in Gladiolus Floriculture
Keeping Hanging Baskets Healthy Floriculture
A Summer Greenhouse Checklist Floriculture
Gladiolus Corm Treatments Floriculture
Geranium Leaf Breaking and Leaf Curl Floriculture
Geranium Rust in Connecticut Floriculture
Calendula Floriculture
Cinerarias Floriculture
Effects of pH Availability of Plant Nutrients in Greenhouse Soils Floriculture
Do Your Part to Conserve Energy Floriculture
Benomyl for the Control of Ascochyta Decay of Chrysanthemum Cuttings Floriculture
Amaryllis at Home Floriculture
Herbicide Residues in Soils Floriculture
Faster Seedlings Under Light Floriculture
Crown Gall Floriculture
Fasciation Floriculture
Recycling Clay and Plastic Pots Floriculture
A Forget-About Crop that Pays Floriculture
The Greenhouse Whitefly Floriculture
Effectiveness of Horizontal Air Flow (HAF) in Greenhouses Floriculture
Controlling Bedding Plant Diseases Floriculture
Easter Lily Tips Floriculture
Lantana Floriculture The Lantana is regaining popularity with many growers …
Taking Cuttings from Geranium Plants Floriculture
SADH (ALAR-85) Registered for Use on Tomato Transplants Floriculture
Barsola Floriculture
Cost of Producing Bedding Plants in Connecticut Floriculture
Fire Hazards in Your Greenhouse Floriculture
Connecticut Greenhouse Newsletter Index 1968-1974 Floriculture
Marketing of Bedding Plants Floriculture
Air Pollutants Also Damage Plants Floriculture
A Review of Prepackaged Plant Growing Media Floriculture
Fluorescent Lights for Plants Floriculture
Aerated Steam Works Floriculture
Bromeliads Part One Floriculture
Fuchsia Culture Floriculture
Perrennials as Bedding Plants Floriculture
Poinsettias and 2,4-D Floriculture
Bromeliads Part Two Floriculture
Terrariums Floriculture
Poinsettias are Not Poisonous Floriculture
Heating System Maintenance Floriculture
Heat in an Emergency Floriculture Where do you turn when the power has failed? Emergency…
Bromeliads Part Three Floriculture
Pillow Pack Tomatoes Floriculture
Bromeliads, Part Four Floriculture
Save Fuel - Build a Germinating Chamber Floriculture
Poinsettias and 2, 4-D Floriculture
Effective Use of SADH Floriculture
Bromeliads Part Five Floriculture
Geranium Black Leg- Bacterial Blight or Pythium Floriculture
Flowering New Guinea Impatiens Floriculture
Chelated Iron Rates Floriculture
LOIS Sees the Light- A Brief History of LOIS Floriculture
Barefoot in the Greenhouse Floriculture
Snapdragon Diseases Floriculture
Programming LOIS for Multiple Mist Signals Floriculture
Premature Budding of Garden Mum Stock Plants Floriculture
Caladiums in the Home Garden Floriculture
Solar Timing for Pot Watering Floriculture
Dodder- Increasing in Connecticut Floriculture
Benomyl and Large Nematodes Floriculture
Phosphorus in Greenhouse Soils Floriculture
Overwintering Structures in Connecticut for Nursery Stock Floriculture
Reduce Glass Greenhouse Heating Costs Floriculture
Eriophyid Mite on Azalea Floriculture
Hanging Hanging-Pots Floriculture
Dexon and Truvan vs. Ammonium Nitrogen Phytotoxicity Floriculture
Plants for Hanging Baskets Part One Floriculture
Capillary Watering Floriculture
Are Your Benches Moldy? Floriculture
Boiler Treatment Compounds Floriculture
Botrytis- The Cool Disease Floriculture
Alternaria Blight of Zinnias Floriculture
What You Should Know about Ground Fault Interrupters Floriculture
Answering Foliage Plant Querries Floriculture
Fern Life Cycle Floriculture
Diseases of Foliage Plants Floriculture
Conditioning Plants for Interior Use Floriculture
Storage and Rooting of Impatiens Cuttings Floriculture
Surfactant Response with SADH and Ancymidol Floriculture
Pezziza- Friend, Indicator and Nuisance Floriculture
Limestone Requirement for TKS Fertilized Peat Floriculture
What You Should Know about- A New OSHA Standard for Training Tractor Operators Floriculture Fungus, Botrytis, Photomicrograph, Spores Thisisnotfromouterspace.Itisaphotomicrographofsporesof…
Acclimatization of Foliage Plants Floriculture
Wall Up Your Greenhouses Floriculture
Hydrogel or Calcined Clay Floriculture
Growth Regulators to Control Plant Height Floriculture
Chrysanthemum Leaf Miner Floriculture
Wipe Out Weeds Floriculture
Fungicides For Soil Diseases Floriculture
African Violets Do Like a Warm Water Bath Floriculture
Peat-Lite and Soluble Salts Floriculture
Scorch on 'Ace' Lilies Floriculture
Bacterial Stem Rot of Poinsettias Floriculture
Overwintering Structures in Connecticut Part II - Storage Floriculture
Poinsettias Are Not Poisonous Floriculture
The 1976 New England Greenhouse Conference Floriculture
Another Greenhouse Pest Floriculture
Check Greenhouse Furnaces Floriculture
Fluorescent Light Efficiency Floriculture
Roots Floriculture
Save Heat With CO2 Floriculture
Single Stem Begonias Floriculture
Some Basic Guidelines on Ways to Conserve Energy Floriculture
Windbreakers Reduce Greenhouse Heating Costs Floriculture
Carnations and Soil Disease Floriculture
Fuchsia Rust In Connecticut Floriculture
Softened Water May Ruin Your Crop Floriculture
Split Night-Time Greenhouse Temperatures Can Save Fuel Floriculture
Calculating Volume for Greenhouse Smoke Bombs Floriculture
Comments on Split-Night Temperatures Floriculture
Don't Let it Happen - Casaron in the Greenhouse Floriculture
How to Use Methyl Bromide Floriculture
Alcoholic Insecticides Floriculture
Bud Delay on Poinsettia Floriculture
Clean Up Greenhouses Or Cyclamen Mite Alert Floriculture
Fluoride and Easter Lily Scorch Floriculture
Heat In Propagation Media Floriculture
Pinching Poinsettias Floriculture
White Plastic Pots Floriculture
Greenhouse Tomato Variety Trials 1976 - 1977 Floriculture
New England Greenhouses 'Going to Pot' as Imports Nip Flowering Carnation Industry Floriculture
Bedside Heating Modification Floriculture Bedside Heating
Parathion Controls Leaf Nematode Disease of Chrysanthemums Floriculture Leaf Nematode Disease
Preliminary Research on K6451 Floriculture Preliminary Research
Surely You Know This Floriculture Surely You Know This
When to Fertilize Floriculture When to Fertilize
How Parathion Aerosol Works Floriculture Parathion aerosol
Vegetation Propagation of Phalaenopsis Floriculture Phalaenopsis
Limestone Contains (a little) Manganese and Boron Floriculture
Snapdragons and Calceolarias Gas Themselves Floriculture Snapdragons and Calceolarias
The Story Behind Leaching Floriculture Leaching
Hardy Mum Pot Plants for Mother's Day Floriculture Mum Pot Plants
Pinch Geraniums on Time Floriculture Ornamentals Pinched, Pinching Geraniums should be pinched on time for quality plants…
Mine Are Little Things Floriculture Little Things We are prone to admire a city with a big population, a…
Some Methods for Retaining Heat in Your Greenhouses Floriculture
Give Kalanchoes Only Twenty Short Days Floriculture Kalanchoes Kalanchoes grown for Christmas or any other time of ye…
No Easy Way out of Chrysanthemum Stunt Floriculture Chrysanthemum stunt During the summer and fall of 1948 when chrysanthemum …
Starting Plants from Seed Floriculture
How Many Rows Wide Should You Plant Floriculture How Many Rows The wider the benches the greater the productive area …
Tall Geraniums Floriculture
Present Methods of Flower Storage are Obsolete Floriculture Flower Storage In the era of hoop skirts and horse and buggies, in th…
What Fertilizers Should You Have Floriculture Fertilizers The fertilizer situation is much confused with brand n…
Use of CO2 in Cold Greenhouses Floriculture
Semesan Drench for Rhizoctonia Control Floriculture Semesan Drench The fungus commonly known as Rhizoctonia solanl Is onl…
A Sudy of pH and Ca Changes in Greenhouse Soils Floriculture Domestic vermiculite, Canadian peat, African vermiculite Plantgrowershavebeenasking,"Howlongdoesittakelimetorea…
Ethylene Gas a Problem in Cut Flower Storage Floriculture Ethylene Gas Present methods of cut flower storage were reviewed in…
Long-term Cut Flower Storage Now Possible Floriculture Long-term Cut Flower Storage When florists can successfully store their roses for s…
New Virus Complex of Chrysanthemums Floriculture New Virus Complex The most commonly recognized symptoms of chrysanthemum…
Flash Flame Soil Pasteurizer Floriculture Flash Flame Considerable interest has been aroused the past three …
Variety and Timing Experiments with Hardy Mum Pot Plants for Mother's Day Floriculture Hardy Mum Pot Plants Preliminary trials in 1949 (l) showed that hardy mums …
Caladiums Floriculture
Cost of Single Stem Versus Pinched Pompons Floriculture Cost Considerable difference of opinion exists as to the va…
Potted Plants Demand Good Floriculture Potted plants Labor costs have caused growers to reduce potted plant…
Stop the Rot in Flower Shipments Floriculture Stop the Rot Rot in flower shipments can be prevent ed by the use o…
The Effects of Various Levels of Fluoride on Chlorophytum and Plectranthus Floriculture
The Eight Week Geranium - A Guide to Some Problems Floriculture
White Rust - Another Chrysanthemum Disease Floriculture
Connecticut Greenhouse Newsletter Index Floriculture
Earthworms in Pot Plant Soils Floriculture
Should I Sterilize New Soil Floriculture Sterilize New Soil Should new field soil be sterilized be fore using? The…
Increasing Growth of Succulents Floriculture When we think of succulents, we think of a group of pl…
Easter Lily Vernalization Floriculture
Greenhouse Climate Controls Floriculture
Are Seed Geraniums Here to Stay Floriculture
Growing Ivy Geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum) Floriculture
Shaking Chrysanthemums to Reduce Height Floriculture
Split-Night Temperatures for Easter Lilies Floriculture
Storing Tulip Bulbs for Forcing Floriculture
Totem Pole Foliage Plants Floriculture
Carbon Dioxide Use in Cold Greenhouses Floriculture
Domestic Vs. African Vermiculite for Seedlings Floriculture
Bulb Forcing Reminders Floriculture To produce quality tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs, …
Clean Up Your Foliage Plants Floriculture
Peninsular Benches Floriculture
Euphorbia Fulgens Floriculture
Horizontal Air Flow Characteristics Floriculture
Leaf Miners Still a Problem in Some Greenhouses Floriculture
Necrotic Fleck Disease of Easter Lilies in Connecticut Floriculture
Aphids Floriculture Aphids are an extremely successful group of insects, a…
Abutilon Floriculture
Chickweed - A Greenhouse Problem Floriculture
Stephanotis Floriculture
Oxygen Levels in Soils Treated With Sugar Floriculture
Black Vine Weevil Floriculture
Lantana Floriculture The lantana (Lantana oamara) is native to tropical Ame…
Fragrant Indoor Plants Floriculture
Fuchsias Floriculture
1979 Easter Lily Experiments Floriculture
Where did Carbon Dioxide Go Floriculture
Loose Buds on Hyacinth Floriculture
Thermal Blankets Floriculture Re search on thermal blankets has been conducted at Pe…
Evaluating Thermal Blanket Materials for Greenhouses Floriculture
Double Bubble Floriculture
North Wall Insulation Floriculture
Every Little Bit Helps Floriculture
Sealed Glass Laps vs. Single Poly Over Glass Floriculture
Split-Nite Temperatures Save Energy Floriculture
How Efficiently is your Heating System Operating? Floriculture
CO2 Use Saves Energy Floriculture
Save Energy with Horizontal Air Flow Floriculture
Passive Solar Heating Floriculture
Oil Tank Wood Stove Floriculture
Cost Payback of Systems for Energy Conservation Floriculture
Microfoam Thermal Blankets for Perennial Plants Floriculture
Heat in an Emergency Floriculture Where do you turn when the power has failed? Emergency…
Living Knickknacks Floriculture
Comparitive Costs of Greenhouse Construction Floriculture
Calcium/Potassium Nitrate Handling Floriculture
Use Less Energy to Move Air Floriculture
Effects of Growth Retardants on Growth and Flowering of 'Ringo' and 'Sooner Red' Geraniums Floriculture
Geranium Disorders Floriculture
Sugar-Soil Treatments and Carbon Dioxide Floriculture
Increase Marketability of Euphorbia Fulgens with A-Rest Floriculture
Soil Aeration - Don't Guess Floriculture
Split-Night Temperature - Poinsettias, 1979 Floriculture
Gloxinias Floriculture For spectacular beauty, gloxinias rate highly having h…
Poinsettia Nutrition Floriculture Last fall and early winter quite a few cases of potass…
Energy Alternatives - Wood Floriculture
Energy Alternatives - Coal Floriculture
Porous Concrete Floriculture
S.D.P., Infrared Heating, Soil Heating Floriculture The double layer acrylic material that is called S.D.P…
Save Fuel with Your Heating System this Spring Floriculture
Dodder - A Weed Pest Increasing in Connecticut Floriculture
Summer Annuals - Cut Your Own Floriculture
Yellow Sticky Traps for Whitefly Management Floriculture
Paint Your Exhaust Fans Yellow? Floriculture
Commercial Production and Marketing of Succulents in Northern Climates Floriculture
Foliage Plants From Seed Floriculture
Orchid Session Floriculture