Horticulture Document Library

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Document Title Library Keywords Abstract
HIGH QUALITY CYCLAMEN IN LESS TIME Floriculture Schedule, 9 months, full sunlight, surface irrigation Consumers like cyclamen! Consumers buy cyclamen when a…
Influence of Container Size On Petunia Growth Floriculture Plant growth, Nutrients, Hardening of growth, Formative stages, growing unit Bedding plant growers have a whole host of types, shap…
Leaf Rollers Floriculture Omnivorous leaf roller, Insecticides , Platynota stultana, rose growers, Lay eggs, hatch In the Rose Manual Floyd Smith considers the omnivorou…
LEAF SCORCH OF 'ACE' LILIES AS AFFECTED BY NITROGEN AND FLUORIDE APPLICATION Floriculture physiological problem, necrotic tips, Gladiolus, Phytotoxicity, high pH, fluoride Leaf scorch can be a serious problem on Croft lilies a…
New Concepts in Potted Chysanthemums Part II—Pinching Schedule Floriculture Pinching schedule, Guides, Flowering date, Tweezer pinch The second area in scheduling a pot mum is the pinchin…
New Concepts in Potted Chysanthemums Scheduling Part I Floriculture Cadillac quality, Mum timetables, Year Round Lighting Schedule, Shading Schedule For the past several years Chrysanthemum scheduling ha…
New Pot Plant Clerodendrum thomsonae Balf Floriculture Short days, Summer-grown, larger commercial scale, Prolific flowering, High light intensity Clerodendrum has been grown as a pot plant in Europe f…
Nitrogen Fertilizers and Their Influence on the Growth of Poinsettias Floriculture Thielaviopsis basciola, Root rot diseases, acid side, biological control, Nitrification Poinsettia nutritional requirements are similar to mos…
Nurse-bed 'One Crop' Carnations Floriculture Photoperiod, pinch, Peak production, spring crop, peat pots As a further refinement of the 'one crop' system and a…
Pesticide Disposal —Some Considerations Floriculture Environment, DDT, Large quantities of pesticides, Scrub water, incinerators, Safe place With the passage of legislation further restricting th…
Poinsetta Production -1970 Floriculture Sanitation, Carbon dioxide, Cycocel, Growth retardant, Height, Strengthen stems Cycocel, a growth retardant, when properly applied, wi…
Response of 30 Carnation Cultivars to Photoperiod Floriculture Photoperiod, Cultivars, Peak production, Flower quality, Ithaca and Long Island The philosophy and cultural manipulations of the 'one …
Sunburn, Botrytis or Boron Deficiency Floriculture Botrytis cinerea, Browning, Preflowering stages, Symptoms, Fresh weight You may have asked this question more than once if you…
The 41°F. Cut Tulip Program A Commercial Reality Floriculture Flowering, storage, Adverse temperature conditions, Holland, Bulbs In earlier issues of this Bulletin experiments were di…
The Effect of Mulches on Soil Temperature Floriculture Soil temperature, Freezing, control weed, Insect infestation, loss of heat A mulch is a blanket put over the soil surface to cont…
TIPS FOR MAXIMUM ROSE VASE LIFE Floriculture Distilled water, Recut, cold storage, Cut-flowers, solution During the past year and a half, research to determine…
Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers Floriculture Dry Packaging, 31° Dry Storage, Handling Flowers, cellophane packagin, Moisture-vapor-proof The optimum "low temperature" for storage of most flow…
Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers- Grow Keeping Quality in Yours Flowers Floriculture Preharvest environment, Environmental, Fertilize, Automatic watering system It has been estimated that one-third of the cut-flower…
Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers-Effect of Gases Floriculture Vegetables Ozone, Sulphur Dioxide, Ethylene, Carbon Dioxid, Helium The atmosphere contains many gases in various quantiti…
Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers-Storage of Cut Flowers Floriculture Floriculture industry, marketable condition, temperature, Harvest Flowers at the Proper Stage, Relative humidity Cut flowers, and occasionally potted plants, are usual…
Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers-Structure of Plants Floriculture Wilt, Cells and Tissues, Leaves, Root, Stem How to make cut flowers and potted plants last longer …
Toward Longer-Lasting Flowers-Why do Plants Wilt and Why do Flowers Die Floriculture disease, Stomata, transpiration, Moisture, Desiccation Cut flowers and potted plants are comprised of 80-85% …
Treflan Causes A Small-Leaf Condition In Greenhouse Roses Floriculture Ornamentals treatment, Abnormal plant growth, Development, Entilators, Fumigation effect When a grower finds abnormal plant growth, he wants to…
1965 University Of Illinois Poinsettia Demonstration Trials Floriculture Superphosphate, ions, Treatments, Loam, perlite and Canadian peat mo, Supplemental C02 IN RECENT YEARS there have been many discuss ions with…
A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH FOR THE POINSETTIA PLANT Floriculture poisonous plant, alleged toxicity, Euphorbia pulcherrima), SAF Since 1919, stories unsubstantiated by medical and sci…
A Look Ahead In Floriculture Education Floriculture SAF Education Committee, Shortage of floricultural labor, Manpower Needs, Colleges And Universities, Community Colleges IF WE ARE to survive and succeed as an industry, we mu…
A REPORT ON THE 1961 COOPERATIVE POINSETTIA-CCC TRIALS Floriculture Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd, Growth Retardants, CYCOCEL, Chloro-choline chloride, CCC, light and temperature Following are portions of a report presented before th…
Air Pollution Affects Florists Crops Floriculture Carbon dioxide, Ozone, Ethylene, AIR POLLUTANT INJURY, toxicant In today's world, pollutionof our environment is a ma…
ALL ABOUT MODERN METHODS OF HYDRANGEA CULTURE Floriculture Propagation, Single-eye cuttings, Propagation medium, sharp sand,, cost of growing The following article is based on a talk given by Mr. …
Bedding Plant Shelf Life — Where We Are And Where We Are Going Floriculture Night temperatures, Irrigation frequency, Fast turnover, Production Techniques During the production phase, a bedding plant leads a r…
CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE GREENHOUSE ATMOSPHER Floriculture Photosynthesis, manure applications, ventilators, CO, Additions IT IS BASIC KNOWLEDGE that carbon dioxide (CO,) is nee…
COLD POTTED CROPS Floriculture ENERGY CONSERVATION, temperatures, Cyclamen production, Kalanchoe production, Hybrid seed geraniums For many years, energy has been a very small part of o…
COMMERCIAL HYDRANGEA CULTURE Floriculture Propagation, cold storage, FIELD CULTURE, SUMMER FERTILIZATION, Low potassium A. Terminal cuttings can be made from the tips of vege…
Controlling The Flowering Of Greenhouse Azaleas Floriculture Photoperiod, Growth-retarding chemicals, late varieties, Storage Temperatures, accelerated flowering SINCE OUR report in 1961 that growth-retarding chemica…
DISEASES OF POT PLANTS Floriculture Pythium, High soil temperatures, Dwarfed, Root system, Rhizoctonia solani, Thielaviopsis basicola THE GROWER of pot plants should have less trouble with…
DO ROSE HOOKS AFFECT KEEPING QUALITY Floriculture Knots, Prevalence Of Hooks, absorption, rose stems A SURVEY was conducted in 19G1 by Prof. J. R. Cul bert…
DRYING FLOWERS ' THE MICROWAVE WAY' Floriculture Fresher-appearing, DRYING TIMES, Taping wires, Floral designs Drying flowers for floral design, which previously too…
ESSENTIALS OF POT LILY CULTURE Floriculture Temperature, Planting date, bulb size, Dry fertilizers, Lighting In order to produce quality pot lilies for Easter, car…
EXPERIMENTS WITH SPRAYS AND FUMIGANTS FOR CONTROL OF THE TWO-SPOTTED SPIDER MITE Floriculture Lay eggs, Effectiveness, roses, glue, American Cyanamid 43073,, NIA 9044 DURING THE past two years new materials supplied by se…
GROWTH AND PRODUCTION OF CARNATIONS AS AFFECTED BY THE TYPE OF PLANT BENCHED Floriculture Treatments, "run-out" varieties, Disease losses, cutting schedules, direct benching AT ONE TIME nearly all carnation producers started the…
GROWTH REGULATION BY MEANS OF LIGHT AND CHEMICALS New Developments Floriculture Nutrition, Chrysanthemums, Poinsettias, Low temperatures, shorter More efficient use of artificial light. "Flash," "inte…
GUIDELINES FOR USING B-NINE ON GARDEN ANNUALS Floriculture Treatment, Temperature and daylength, Foliar application, Responses, flower size REGULATION OF the growth of garden annuals by the appl…
HOT WATER TREATMENT OF PLASTIC CONTAINERS Floriculture plant pathogenic fungi, Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotia, Mycelia Quite often it is desirable to reuse plastic pots, fla…
HOW MUCH WATER FOR CONTAINER PLANTS Floriculture floricultural species, 'good drainage', Container volume, soil type How much water is required to irrigate plants in pots …
HOW TO PREVENT OPEN-FLAME HEATER DISASTERS Floriculture Natural gas i, Ethylene and sulfur dioxide, fresh-air inlet, exhaust, burner Itself clean Every season we seem to hear more of catas trophes fro…
INFRARED HEATING FOR GREENHOUSES Floriculture Double-layer, Air-inflated coverings, thermostats, reflector, High efficiency Greenhouse owners are finding that skyrocketing costs …
Lisianthus Russellianus Hybrid New Addition To The Bedding Plant Arena Floriculture Bedding plant, Grown all year, rosette, Florida summers, Eustoma grandiflorum, Recently, seeds of a new hybrid of Lisianthus Russelli…
MEASURING SOIL WATER WITH TENSIOMETER- GENERAL Floriculture Plant growth, Environmental factor, Transpiration, soil moisture, water content Water is probably the most important environmental fac…
METHODS AND SCHEDULES FOR FORCING EASTER LILIES --1973 Floriculture Bulb, Natural Cooling, Storage, StorageControl Temperature Forcing, Case-Cooled Bulbs Easter 1973 falls on April 22, which is one of the lat…
Miniature Cyclamen Planting Depth Is Critical Floriculture growing medium surface, Plunged, unplunged, Wider-spreading plants, Transplants In reaction to production problems brought to the atte…
NEW ILLINOIS PRODUCT PROLONGS CARNATION VASE LIFE Floriculture gypsophila, Caryophyllaceae family, "Silflor/50", Floralife, Silver thiosulfate A news release from Floralife, Inc., Hinsdale, announc…
PELARGONIUM RUST A New Geranium Disease Floriculture Specimens, chlorotic, California, Spore inoculum, D rust control fungicide. On August 25, 1967, some rust-infected geranium speci…
POINSETTIA PROPAGATION POINTERS Floriculture Stock plants, Sensible fertility program, Nitrogen and potassium, mist system, Snapping vs. cutting In most pot plant ranges July, August and September ar…
Poinsettias — New Varieties And Approaches Floriculture Chrysanthe mum, VEGETATIVE STOCK, Mother's Day, Timing And Spacing, Outdoor exposure THIS PRESENTATION will basically be in three sections,…
Recommendations For The Handling of Cut Roses Floriculture Water, Niagara Foam, Saturated, inserting, Condition WATER TO which a good preservative has been add ed is …
Unvented Kerosene Heaters-OK For Greenhouses Floriculture Ethylene gas injury, O2, Carbon monoxide, oily deposit A new breed of kerosene heaters — from Japan — came on…
TREATMENT INDUCES AZALEA BUDDING Floriculture Foliar spray, Controlled temperature, Light conditions, Growth-retarding chemicals phosfon, CCC A NEW chemical treatment will enable florists and nurs…
THE USE OF PERLITE AND SLOWLY AVAILABLE FERTILIZER MATERIALS IN CHRYSANTHEMUM CULTURE Floriculture Nitrogen, Potting material, rooting medium, Ureaform and fritted potash, potassium THE PRINCIPLE OBJECTIVES of this experiment were (1) t…
THE USE OF GROWTH RETARDANTS ON POINSETTIAS Floriculture CCC (2-chloroethyltrimethylammoniu, Phosfon, PHOSFON-D, Stem elongation, Dwarfing agents IN THE PAST FEW YEARS, there has been considerable int…
THE MARVELOUS MARIGOLDS Floriculture Economic, Pest-Repellent Properties, T. lemmoni, T. micanthra, Medicinal, Versatile Flower The National Garden Bureau, an educational service of …
THE MARVELOUS MARIGOLDS Part II Floriculture Day-Length Response, Marigold Odor, Hybrids, Open-Pollinated, Germination, Nematode Day-Length Response All marigolds will bloom rapidly u…
THE MARVELOUS MARIGOLDS Part III Floriculture Low Edging, Divider, Background, Category, Spreading Classes of Marigolds Arranged By Principal Garden Use …
THE EFFECTS OF SEVERAL GROWTH RETARDANTS ON CROFT LILIES Floriculture Cycocel, CCC, Phosfon L, Phosfon D, Excessive elongation THE PURPOSE of these tests was to study the effects of…
The Colombian Connection -Miami importing Takes Effect Floriculture Cut flowers, South American, Miami importers, Cheaper Price, Better Quality, compete More cut flowers move through Miami International Airp…
STUNT DISEASE OF AFRICAN VIOLETS Floriculture Transmitted, Inoculation, Saintpaulia, Spread By Contact, Control of Stunt AFRICAN VIOLETS (Saintpaulia) are grown by the hundred…
Spring Flowering Poinsettias Floriculture Pinched, Mother's Day, Non-pinched, Single stem, Recommendations THE POINSETTIA varieties Mikkelpink and Mikkeldawn, br…
Regarding Pesticide Phytotoxicity Floriculture Burn, Chlorosis, stressed plants, Abnormal growt, Dosage rates Phytotoxicity is plant damage that is caused by applic…
ANTHRACITE COAL REFUSE AS A SOILLESS MEDIUM FOR GREENHOUSE FLOWER CROPS Floriculture culm dump material, Coal refuse banks, Roses and Carnation, Least expensive, African violets Anthracite mine refuse, or culm dump material as it is…
WATER USE RATES FOR SEEDLING GERANIUMS. Floriculture environment, irrigation, stages of growth, evaporation, Light and temperature The irrigation component of flower production is a maj…
VIRUS DISEASES OF GERANIUMS Floriculture Mosaic, Chlorosis, Pelargonium hortorum, Crinkle or Leaf Curl, Vein Clearing The florists geranium, Pelargonium hortorum, is one of…
USDA RELEASES TWO NEW POINSETTIA SEEDLINGS Floriculture diploids, growth retardants, Photoperiod., RUDOLPH, RED BARON The Crops Research Division of the Agricultural Resear…
THE RESPONSE OF SEEDLING GERANIUMS TO SELECTED FERTILITY LEVELS Floriculture Fresh weight, Environmental, Production of geraniums, Plant Breeding, Procedure Introduction In the past few years there has been a gr…
THE RESPONES OF THE MID-CENTURY HYBRID LILIES OF QUEL A GROWTH REGULATING CHEMICAL Floriculture growth retardants, height control treatments, schedules, Quel Mass market outlets probably will increase the volume …
THE LATEST ON PLANT DISEASES Floriculture Botrytis spores, Exotherm Termil, FUNGISTATIC DRENCHES, GARDENIA CANKER Growers who have not already spaced their geraniums af…
The Latest on ...Plant Diseases Floriculture Botrytis blight, Fungus diseases, HOSE HANGERS, WATER IN THE MORNING, ROT-PROOFING WOOD WATER IN THE MORNING Prevent damping-off in seed flats…
Delayed Transplanting of Tomato and Petunia Seedflats Floriculture Seedling, Seedflats, Alar, Sowing, Spray concentration, Run-off The results are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. All the cultiv…
BACTERIAL SLOW WILT OR STUNT OF CARNATION Floriculture Disease, Symptoms, Erwinia chrymnlhemi, existing shoots, susceptibility Bacterial slow wilt or stunt, a serious disease of car…
THE ANATOMY OF RESISTANT ,SUSCEPTABLE PELARGONIUM SPECIES INFECTED WITH BLIGHT Floriculture Susceptibility, Xanthomonas pelargonii, Resistance, Water-conducting tissues, Wilt pathogen Bacterial blight of Pelargonium species caused by the …
TEMPERATURES OF SOIL MIXTURES DURING STEAM TREATMENT Floriculture Thomas method, buried per forated pipes, Copper-constantan thermocouples, Soil conditions, Steam movement Steaming is an excellent way to treat greenhouse soil …
Steam Sterilization of Greenhouse Soils Floriculture Disease organisms, Symphyllids, nematodes, grubs, Labor saver, Improve soil structure, Destruction of weed seeds I realize that technically speaking we should call the…
SOILS, TEMPERATURES AND CO2 FOR CUT CHRYSANTHEMUMS Floriculture Mum, applications of peat, Chopped straw, steaming, N. fertilizer Since Pennsylvania is ranked third in the nation in st…
SOIL MIXTURES, DRAINAGE, WATERING METHODS AND POT MUMS Floriculture Chrysanthemums, Mixture of loam, peat and sand, Watering systems, 3:1:1 combinations., Drainage Potted chrysanthemums can be grown equally as well wit…
SELECTION AND CULTURE OF FLOWER, FOLIAGE, AND FRUITING PLANTS FOR MA\SS MARKET SALES 2ND Floriculture Growth regulators, Ornamental, Attractive flowers, Easily propagated The primary objective of this project is the selection…
RIGID PLASTICS USED FOR NEW FLORICULTURE RESEARCH GREEN HOUSES Floriculture Quonset, gothic, Five ounce glass, Fiberglass panels, fan-jet fan louve A quonset and two gothic arch greenhouses have been bu…
RESPONSES OF HYBRID RHODODENDRONS TO LONG DAYS AND GROWTH RETARDANTS Floriculture Growth Retardants, induce flower buds, Phosfon, B-nine, Pinched and pruned, Light interruption Following the discovery by Stuart (5) that flow er bud…
RESPONSE OF ROSES TO LOW MOISTURE STRESS AT HIGH AND LOW LIGHT INTENSITIES Floriculture Sphagnum moss, Fluorescent lighting, Soft pinches, Low moisture stress, Soilless growing medium The purposes of this research were to study the effect…
RESPONSE OF PETUNIA TO COMBINATION OF ELECTRIC LIGHT PHOTOPERIOD, TEMPERATURE B-NINE Floriculture Environmental factors, Plant growth, Artificial Light, Germination, night temperature A major objective of the bedding plant grower is to co…
RESEARCH AT PENN STATE RIEGER ELATIOR BEGONIAS PROGRESS REPORT I Floriculture Growth retardant, temperature, holiday, Day length, Fertility, The Rieger begonias can be produced at any time of the…
Regulating Carnation Production with Lights Under Colorado Conditions Floriculture Short-day treatment, Lighting Equipment, Flower initiation, internode elongation, Quality Garner and Allard first reported the response of plant…
Quality Achieved in Fast Crop Pot Mum Production Floriculture More succulent, balanced plant, Suppress this elongation, three consecutive cycles, nitrate Since the development of the fast crop method of growi…
Prospects For Biological Control Of Fusarium Roseum 'Culmorum ' on Carnation Floriculture Stem Rot, Plant disease control, F. roseum 'Culmorum', Antagonistic microorganisms, pathogen One of the intriguing aspects of plant disease control…
POINSETTIAS vs STREETLIGHTS Floriculture light and darkness, controversy, aluminum half-circle, Safety, neighborhood. Bellefonte's annual battle of the streetlight vs. poin…
POINSETTIAS ARE NOT POISONOUS Floriculture Toxicity, Zoology, laboratory rats, LD50, active ingredient, Administered orally Most everyone has heard that poinsettia leaves are ver…
PLANT ANALYSIS FOR FLOWER CROPS Floriculture Yield and quality, Fertilization , visual plant symptoms, Essential Elements, Plant Analysis Introduction Man has long been interested in controlli…
PHOSFON-D FOR HEIGHT CONTROL OF HARVEST GIANT GARDEN MUMS Floriculture Soils and fertilizers, Stage of development, Soft Pinch, Early March, soil mixture Increase your sales this year with garden mums in full…
Past, Present and Future of Seedling Geraniums Floriculture Seedling, Germination, evaluating these cultivars, flower uniformly, Dark green foliage It indeed seems odd to he here at this meeting talking…
LILY BUD BLASTING Floriculture Symptoms, Food material, light intensity, soil and air temperatures, REDUCING LIGHT INTENSITY Bud blasting in Croft, Erabu, and Creole lilies was in…
HOW WE GROW POT MUMS Floriculture Soil mixture, High quality, schedule, Superphosphate and Lime, Pinch Soft Pot mums of better than average quality can be produce…
HEIGHT CONTROL METHODS FOR POINSETTIAS Floriculture Ancymidol, Chloromequat (Cycocel, CCC), Internode elongation, Foliar phytotoxicity, withholding water Poinsettias are propagated from early August through l…
GROWING PHILODRENDON OXYCARDIUM IN SOILLESS MEDIA WITH SLOW-RELEASSE FERTILIZERS Floriculture Fertilizers, Red ash and peat Mountains of mine waste material, commonly known as re…
GERANIUMS IN 6 WEEKS Floriculture Ornamentals temperatures, Single stemmed, high moisture and fertility, Bacterial stem rot, cost From a rooted cutting, it should not take more than 6 …
GERANIUMS AS A FAST CROPS Floriculture Loose-well drained soil mixture, Full light intensity, Frequent irrigation and fertilizat, Suggested Procedures, Major Problem If your production program takes more than 810 weeks t…
GERANIUM STOCK PLANTS Floriculture tree-form, Cuttings are being stored on the pl, tree-type stock plants, Single-eye stem cuttings, terminal cuttings Culture-indexed geranium cuttings are now avail able f…
GERANIUM RESEARCH AT PENN STATE Floriculture Methods of propagation, WATER AND FERTILIZER, TREE GERANIUMS, CULTURED CUTTINGS, GERANIUMS FROM SEED The Agricultural Experiment Station of The Pennsylvani…
GERANIUM DISEASES Floriculture symptoms, Botrytis blight, Botrytis cinerea, GERANIUM RUST, Preventive measures One of the most common diseases of geraniums is Botryt…
FORCING HYDRANGEAS Floriculture Mildew, Easter, Timing, Fertilization , Chlorosis, Red Spider and aphids FORCING — Generally speaking most varieties of Hydrang…
FLOWER IMPORTS FROM LATIN AMERICA Floriculture commodity groups, fresh cut flowers, Orchid plants, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecua dor and, Problems A marked upward tendency has occurred during the past …
Growth Response of Petunia Floriculture Toxicity, Acidity, Seedlings, Composition Abstract: Tomatoes and petunias were grown in 3 differ…
FAST CROPS POT MUM CULTURE 1967 Floriculture Axillary growth, Succulence, Growth Regulator, General Treatments, Varieties Most commercially grown pot mums are produced with 5 o…
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF CARNATION STUB DIEBACK Floriculture Ascospores, Fusarium stem rot, G. zeae, Effect of Temperatures, Effect of Light, Effect of Relative Humidity The stub dieback phase of Fusarium stem rot is a serio…
BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE RESPONSE OF POINSETTIAS TO DAYLENGTH AND TEMPERATURE Floriculture Flower primordia, flower initiation, extraneous light, frequency of premature flower init The critical daylength for poinsettia, a qualitative s…
CALYX SPLITTING OF CARNATIONS Floriculture Temperature control, Genetic factor, Fast temperature drops, Delay of heating, Soil nitroge Much has been written on the causes of calyx splitting…
CARNATION BUD CRIPPLING and SHRIVELING March 1962.pdf Floriculture Axillary bud, Mechanical affect, Growth hormones, careful handling of the flowers., Mechanical injury Do you on occasion find carnation buds or flowers that…
CARNATION PLANTING TIME May 1965.pdf Floriculture SOIL PREPARATION, REPLANTING, Steam sterilization, Nursery bedding We assume that your cultured cuttings have been ordere…
CHEMICAL CHANGES IN SOILS POST-STEAMING TOXICITIES A REVIEW OF CAUSES AND REMEDIES Floriculture Total Soluble Salts, Water-Soluble Organics, Modified Physical Characteristics, Ammonium Accumulation, Manganese Accumulation Treatment of soil with free-flowing (212°F) steam has …
CHEMICAL SOAKS FOR PREVENTION OF GROWTH OF PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS ON CLAY PLASTIC POTS Floriculture Fungi or bacteria, Disinfestant soaks, Formaldehyde, PG-141, PG-142, concentrations In some greenhouse operations it is necessary to reuse…
CLIMATE CONTROL IN THE GREENHOUSE Floriculture Winter ventilation, temperature, Shading, Modification In Design Factors, velocity of air Greenhouse air conditioning has brought about many cha…
Close Spacing Can Cause Blasting Of Iris Floriculture light intensity, Effect of spacing, Three by three inch spacing, 50 degree night temperature, soil moist Proper spacing to give each plant adequate light coupl…
CO2 FERTILIZATION October Floriculture Photosynthesis, LIMITING FACTORS, Light, temperature, and CO2, C02 CONCENTRATIONS, SOURCES OF C02 The question of carbon dioxide (CO;.) in the greenhous…
Control of Gladiolus Bacterial Scab Floriculture Pseudomonas marginata, Corm rot, treatments, Delsan A-D, Fusarium oxysporum f. gladioli Bacterial scab, caused by Pseudomonas marginata, is a …
CONTROLLING HEIGHT OF POINSETTIAS WITH CCC Floriculture Cycocel, 2chloroethyl trimethyl ammonium chl, Rates of application, high fertilizer, water heavily With optimum levels of moisture, fertilizer, and tempe…
Cost of Poinsettia Production Floriculture selling price, Various Factors Influencing Costs , cost of the plant material, spacing Of all the factors that influence costs of production,…
CULTURING AND INDEXING CUTTINGS FOR DISEASE CONTROL Floriculture Verticillium Wilt, Soil inhabiting fungus, CULTURING TECHNIQUE, transmitted by soil and water, chrysantheum stunt virus The technique of culturing cuttings was first used com…
CYCOCEL FOR HEIGHT CONTROL OF FAST-CROP SEEDLING GERANIUMS Floriculture Pythium and rhizoctonia infection, dexon-terrachlor drench, date, fresh weigh In 1964 Dr. John Mastalerz and Dr. White began advocat…
EASTER LILIES BASIC FACTS ON THE RESPONES OF LILIES TO PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE Floriculture bulbs, Eight weeks at fluctuating 40 and , Non-verna lized bulbs, optimum temperature for vernalizat Several cultivars of Easter lily are grown as cut flow…
EASTER LILIES --PRODUCTION POINTERs November 1969.pdf Floriculture Temperature, Fertilizer, Lighting, Soils, Drench Soils: PRODUCTION POINTERS W. Robert Fohtney Extensi…
EASTER LILY HEIGHT CONTROL PROGRESS REPPORT III Floriculture Concentrations, Growth retardant (Quel), Moisture or fertilizer stress, Growth Stages, combination of methods Past research on height control of Easter lilies was s…
ECONOMIC IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION TO GREENHOUSE CROP PRODUCTION IN PENN Floriculture Crop damages, Air-Basin Case Study, air pollutants, Ethylene, ozone, peroxyacetyl nitra Social awareness and concern about environmental pollu…
Effect of Roof Shape On Plant Growth to be Studied With New Research Greenhouses Floriculture curved surface, average cost, fiberglass, environmental control unit. Analytical and model studies show the amount of sunlig…
EFFECTS OT LOW MOISTURE STRESS ON THE GROWTH OF RED AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSES Floriculture Soilless media, fertilizer programs, irrigation regimes, Q.I. values Soilless media are theoretically ideal plant growth su…
ENGINEERING DESIGN AND OPERATION FOR AERATED STEAM TREATMENT OF SOIL MIXTURES Floriculture psychrometric properties, Zero gage pressure, Air-steam flow rate, pressure-depth relationship, Aerated steam The requirements for successful operation of an aerate…
OKSU Poinsettia Cultivar Trial.1995.pdf Floriculture Cultivars, AVAILABILITY, STAND-OUT PERFORMERS, Emost votesineach colorcategory This is the second of two articles discussing the 1995…
Care of Freshly Cut Flowers Floriculture Water, Fungicides, Continual growth, Annuals, Blossoms, Crist, Acidifier, Remove foliage from the bottom, Never store flowers with fruits or Flowers cut fresh from the garden will last longer if …
Chlorosis Prevention in Piggy Back Plant Floriculture Peatmoss, Tolmiea menziesii, Rooted, Optimum pH, Ferrous sulfate, fertility levels, Hydrangea macrophylla Plants in growing media supplemented with ferrous sulf…
Cineraria Floriculture Production, Growth regulators, Photoperiod, Cultivars, Flowering, Temperature and Age Effect Cinerarias can be divided into tv/o groups, grandiflor…
Cockroaches in the Greenhouse Floriculture Soil, Feeding, Scavengers, Dying plant leaves, Dead, Shape, feeding behavior, Source of infestation, nocturnal, eliminating food and water sources, insecticide spray Cockroaches or water bugs are not generally considered…
Poinsettias - Droopy Bracts Floriculture ethylene gas, Sleeves, shipping temperature, 50°F For the last several years, we have received complaint…
Consumer Data on Houseplants--- A Survey August 1975.pdf Floriculture basic background information, WHERE CONSUMERS BUY, SIZE AND GROWTH HABIT, CONSUMER KNOWLEDGE, Apartments and house Finding out what the consumer buys and what the consum…
Disease in the Greenhouse --- Verticillium Wilt of Chrysanthemum Floriculture soil borne fungus, chloropicrin, steamed, Chloropicrin or steam treated soil, disease-free cuttings Verticillium wilt of chrysanthemum is caused by the so…
Growth and Mineral Composition of Petunia Tomato to Nitrogen Treatments and Media Floriculture Ca and Mg, high salt treatment, High pH-NH4, Peter's Peatlite Special, Greenhouse mix-N03 Tomatoes and petunias were grown in 3 different media …
Kalanchoe Trials 1975-76 Floriculture night temperature, long post-harvest life, year-round production, heat delay, timing Kalanchoes are certainly a new, exciting pot plant for…
Light and A-Rest Influence Easter Lily Height Floriculture shade-grown plants, uniform internode elongation, chemical retardant, drench application, Cooling method A-Rest effectively reduces Easter lily growth as numer…
New Hydrangea Production Technique Floriculture Daylength, inflorescence formation, forcing characteristics, Production scheme, gibberellic acid The 9 to 11 month production schedule for potted hydra…
Floral Foam Characteristics Floriculture Quickee or Filfast, Niagara, Hydrafoam, Solution reservoir, Vertical profile A recent Michigan State study by Carpppfer and EvaId (…
Poinsettia Trials 1982 Floriculture Cultivars, temperature, Drenches of benlate-subdue, bract diameter, height Cuttings of 8 poinsettia cultivars were taken on Augus…
Gray Mold Disease in the Greenhouse Floriculture Symptoms, Botrytis, Dead or aging material, Bud distortion, major elements Gray mold caused by Botrytis species is a destructive …
Producers and Importers Vote Down Proposed Floral Order Floriculture National floral research, referendum, promotion Producers and importers of flowers and plants have vot…
Starflowers February 1974.pdf Floriculture Syngonanthus, S. niveus., Eriocaulaceae, Monocots, unisexual Information on "Starflower" or "Skyrocket" so popular …
Slugs in the Greenhouse Floriculture Snails, Mollusks, slime trails, lay eggs, Mesurol and metaldehyde There are approximately 25 species of slugs (and snai…
Soil Heating August Floriculture soil warming, Hot water systems, Night air temperatures, steam lines, PVC tubes Energy conservation in Northern Europe's potted plant …
Starting Salaries Range Widely Floriculture Economy, Agricultural graduates, Temporary employment, Full-time permanent employment, Employment plans, In April 1980, the School of Agriculture began surveyi…
The Effects of B-Nine SP on the Height of Lisianthus November 1985.pdf Floriculture Eustoma, reducing plant height, Longevity of Lisianthus vase life, pot plant Lisianthus has received a great deal of attention as a…
1996 Oklahoma State University Poinsettia Cultivar Trial Floriculture Postharvest, Flowered, Fishcer, Oglevee Forty-nine cultivars from five breeders were featured …
1997 Oklahoma State University Poinsettia Cultivar Trial Floriculture Flowering, Gutbier, Puebla, Stems, Premixed media Fifty-seven cultivars from five breeders were featured…
1998 Oklahoma State University Poinsettia Cultivar Tria Floriculture Rose, Cutting, Foliage, Multi color The number ofcultivars evaluated in 1998 increased to …
Another Look at Cyclamen Floriculture Germination, Transpllanting, Seed, Sandpaper Cyclamen is a crop that I haven't seen enough of latel…
Successful Culture of Callas Requires Prevention of Diseases Floriculture Root rot, Calla lily, Disease prevention, Greenhouse production, Soft rot, Spotted wilt During the past season, three diseases of callas came …
The phytotoxicity of Termil on various annuals and perennials Floriculture Fungicide, Phytotoxicity, Termil, Thermal dust Tests were made on a wide range of plants to determine…
The Fungus gnat larva: A problem Floriculture Poinsettia, Easter lily, Geranium, Greenhouse crops, Fungus gnat, Chrysanthemum Thethreat of the fungus gnat to greenhouse crops isemp…
Economic Analysis of Systems Used to Establish CA Atmospheres Floriculture Landscape & Nursery Currently, several methods of atmosphere establishment…
Management of Thrips and Whiteflies with Insect-Killing Fungi- Impact of Spray Technology Floriculture Landscape & Nursery Methods of plant protection in the floral industry are…
Improving the Energy Efficiency of Greenhouse Crop Production 2. Scheduling and Energy Consumption Floriculture Landscape & Nursery Volatile and increasing fuel prices have threatened th…
Methods of Constructing a Pine Tree Substrate Potting Medium from Various Wood Particle Sizes and Organic Amendments Floriculture Landscape & Nursery Research showing the successful use of pine tree subst…