Horticulture Document Library

This is a powerful, but focused document repository designed to connect our research-based scientific literature, trade and association magazines/websites with a comprehensive internet search.


Document Title Library Keywords Abstract
Fruit Cracking in Greenhouse Tomatoes Floriculture Fruit cracking can be a significant problem for a gree…
Media Test Review (1994) Floriculture This media test is from some hanging baskets. The test…
How to Treat Cut Flowers- More Evidence on Postharvest Floriculture
Marathon 1 % Granular Floriculture
Supplemental Lighting Floriculture
Hanging Basket Production in Northern Climates Floriculture
Sensitivity of Various Plants to Ethylene Floriculture
The Other Day in The Greenhouse I Was Noticing… Floriculture
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Floriculture Diseases affect both the quality and production volume…
Growth Retardant Rates for Bedding Plant Production in Northern Climates Floriculture
Inside West Coast Easter Lily Production Floriculture
Southern Wilt of Geranium Floriculture
The Ohio Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center- Safeguarding Past and Future Treasurers, Today Floriculture
What’s New In Geranium Production Floriculture Xanthomonas, Ralstonia, Solanacearum Geranium production haschanged again during the last 1…
An Introduction to the Federal Worker Protection Standards for Agricultural Employees Floriculture
ASHS Abstracts 1993 Floriculture
Floriculture’s Plight Topic of Floriculture Working Group Winter Meeting Floriculture
Genetic Diversity in Populations of Native Grasses and Forbs in Minnesota Floriculture
Inheritance of Qualitative Traits in New Guineaimpatiens Floriculture
Grape Expectations Floriculture
Growing Garden Asters Floriculture Last year many growers tried garden asters for the fir…
Hardy Grapes Floriculture
Industry’s Perception of University Horticulture Curricula Floriculture
Interacition between Shipping and Rooting Temperature on Vernalization of Lilium Longiflorum Thunb Floriculture
Temperature, Irradiance and Cooling Treatment Length Affect Pelargonium X Domesticum Flowering Floriculture
Interaction between Irradianceand Photoperiod Onantirrhinummajus L. Flower Initiation Floriculture
Interaction between Photoperiod, Temperature Fluctuations and Cytokinins On Pharbitis Floral Induction Floriculture
Variation in Responses of Four Japanese Radish (Raphanus Satzvus L.) Varieties to Vernalization Treatment Floriculture
Media Test Review (1993) Floriculture The media test results shown above are from a sample e…
Temperature Effects on Bedding Plant Growth Floriculture Ornamentals
Yellowjackets- The Good, the Bad and the Angry Floriculture
Do's and Don'ts of New Guinea Impatiens Production Floriculture
Irrigation Water Considerations Floriculture
Potential Salad Crops for Cultivation Floriculture A number of epidemiological and clinical studies have …
Response of Perennial Bedding Plants to Three Common Plant Growth Regulators Floriculture
Bedding Plant Nutrition Floriculture
Conditions of Survival--Business Management and Marketing Floriculture
Developmental Factors Affecting Rosa Axillary Shoot Development- 1. Effect of Pruning Position and Leaf Removal on Axillary Shoot Development Floriculture
Hardy Geraniums Floriculture
Pests of Some Common Field-Grown Cut Flowers Floriculture Potentially, there are hundreds of varieties of annual…
Producing Field-Grown Specialty Cut Flowers- An Overview Floriculture
Storing Cut Flowers Floriculture Rapid removal of field heat and a cool storage tempera…
List of Pesticides that have the ‘Notify’ Statement on the Label Floriculture
Media Test Review (1994) Floriculture This media test is from an interior plantscape. The pl…
Osteospermum Floriculture
Pine Bark and Peat-Based Media Influence Effects of Uniconazole Drench on Poinsettias Floriculture
Soluble Salts Floriculture
Easter Lily Leaf Unfolding Technique Floriculture
Easter Lily Production Floriculture The commercial Easter lily (Lilium longiforurn Thunber…
The ‘Nuts and Bolts’ of Easter Lily Production Floriculture
The Most Common Problems in Easter Lily Production (2002) Floriculture Height control on Easter lilies is typically a problem…
Tracking Easter Lily Height with Graphs (2002) Floriculture Timing and height - how can you control these two vita…
Easter Lily Height Control Floriculture Markets are dictating the height of their floral produ…
Effectiveness of Alternative Advertising and Promotional Media Vehicles in Garden Center Advertising Floriculture
Key Considerations for the 1990-91 Lily Forcing Season Floriculture
Log of Easter Lily Records and Notes Forcing Year Floriculture
Methods And Schedules For Forcing 1991 Easter Lilies Floriculture
Thrip Control in Greenhouses Floriculture
Tracking Easter Lily Height with Graphs (1990) Floriculture Timing and height-how can you control these two vital …
Lily Leaf Counting Technique and Time Schedule Floriculture Leaf counting is a technique used to insure proper tim…
Easter LiIy Unfolding Technique Floriculture
Easter Lily Production Floriculture The commercial Easter lily (Lilium longiforurn Thunber…
The Most Common Problems in Easter Lily Production (2001) Floriculture Height control on Easter lilies is typically a problem…
The 'Nuts and Bolts' of Easter Lily Production Floriculture
Tracking Easter Lily Height with Graphs (2001) Floriculture Timing and height - how can you control these two vita…
Floriculture Trends in the Upper Midwest Floriculture
Pot Gerbera Production Floriculture
Remember Floriculture
Research Update (1991) Floriculture The U.S. Agriculture Research Service has showed hat a…
Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue Floriculture
Soil Test Review Floriculture
The Great Apple Scare Floriculture
Easter Lilies Production For 1993 Floriculture
Easter Lily Height Control Floriculture Markets are dictating the height of their floral produ…
Lily Leaf Counting Technique and Time Schedule Floriculture
Research Update (1992) Floriculture A wheat bran inoculum of Penicillium janthinellum adde…
Schedules 1993 Floriculture
The Six Most Common Easter Lily Problems (1992) Floriculture Height control on Easter lilies is an annual problem. …
Tracking Easter Lily Height with Graphs (1992) Floriculture Timing and height - how can you control these two vita…
Calceolaria Production Floriculture
Improve Winter Greenhouse Light Levels Floriculture
Media Test Review (1994) Floriculture his media test is from a poinsettia crop grown for 4 w…
Production of Satin Flower or Godetia Floriculture
What Color Are Your Sales Floriculture
‘Inca’TM and ‘Snowscape’TM Chrysanthemums for 1996 Floriculture
Goldenrods Floriculture
Myrtle as a Flowering Potted Plant Floriculture
New Faces and Directions in University of Minnesota Floriculture Floriculture
What We Can Do to Control Wilt Diseases of Carnations Floriculture Carnation wilt
Greenhouse Records Floriculture Greenhouse records
Nitrate and Potash Fertilization of White Patrician Floriculture White patrician
Roguing Can Spread Fusarium Floriculture Roguing
Progress Report on the Storage of Carnation Cuttings Floriculture Carnation
Rose Crown Canker Floriculture Rose crown canker
A Leaf and Blossom Blight is Reported on African Violet (Saintpaulia) Floriculture African violet
Timing and Pinching Studies on Late Chrysanthemums Floriculture Chrysanthemums
Timing and Production Results on Snapdragon Varieties Floriculture Snapdragon varities
Flower Growing in England Today Floriculture England
Results from Our Christmas Poms Floriculture Poms
Some Points on Applying Fertilizer Floriculture Fertilizer
Transmission of Carnation Mosaic by Contact Floriculture Carnation
Selenium for Spider on Carnations Floriculture Carnations
Field Preparation of Soil for Greenhouse Use Floriculture Field preparation
Soil Fertility Control for Carnations Floriculture Carnations This article is a symposium the purpose of which is to…
Transmission of Carnation-Mosaic Virus by the Cutting Knife Floriculture Mosaic virus
Easter Chrysanthemums Floriculture Easter
Soil Fertility Control for Carnations Floriculture Soil fertility A soil is not 'fertile nor will it remain fertile long…
Mulching Studies on Carnations 1949-50 Floriculture Mulching
Preliminary Studies on the Factors Affecting the Development of Bacterial Wilt on Carnations Floriculture Bacterial wilt
Cold Storage of Carnation Cuttings Floriculture Cold storage
The Effect of Cutting Methods on Quality and Production of Better Times Roses Floriculture Better times roses
The Chemotherapy of Carnation Mosaic Virus Floriculture Chemotherapy
Why 'Better Times' are Graded as Works Floriculture Better times
Bacterial Fasciation Disease of Ornamental Plants Floriculture Bacterial fascination
Production and Prices Floriculture Production
Progress Report on Carnation Timing Floriculture Carnation timing
Condensation of Moisture in the Greenhouse Floriculture Condensation
Tip Breaking of Snapdragons Floriculture Tip breaking
Young Plant Development Studies on Pink Delight Floriculture Young plant development
Second Crop Pompons Floriculture Second crop
Soil Treatment for the Control of Fusarium of Carnations 1949-50 Floriculture Fusarium
Alternaria on Carnations Floriculture Alternaria
Available Calcium a Factor in Salt Balance for Vegetable Crops Floriculture Calcium
The Spacing of Carnations as it Affects Yield Floriculture Spacing
Calcium-Sodium Ratio and Growth of Tomato in Sand Culture Floriculture Calcium
Resume of Eleventh Annual Short Course Floriculture Resume
The Percentage of Roses Flowering from a Late Fall Pinch Floriculture Rose flowering
K-6451 for Resistant Mites Floriculture Resistant mites
New Chrysanthemum Virus in England Floriculture Virus
Relationship of Toxins to Bacterial Wilt of Carnations Floriculture Bacterial wilt
Carnation Timing (1951) Floriculture Carnation timing One bench each of White Sim, Miller's Yellow, Donna Le…
Late Pinching as a Possible Means of Avoiding Heavy Fall Production on Carnations Floriculture Late pinching
Carnation Cuttings Should Not be Sealed Air Tight Floriculture Cuttings
The Identity and Vector of the Carnation Streak Virus Floriculture Virus
How Much Ethylene Gas in Our Flower Storages Floriculture Ethylene
Snapdragon Shattering Floriculture Snapdragon
Soil Treatment of Carnations Floriculture Soil treatment
Carnation Mulching Studies 1950-51 Floriculture Carnation mulching studies
Carnation Timing (1950) Floriculture Timing At Colorado A & M we are looking forward to the time w…
Direct Benching of Rooted Carnation Cuttings Floriculture Direct benching
Holiday Pinching of Roses Floriculture Holiday
Studies on the Control of Powdery Mildew of Roses Floriculture Powdery
The Bartz Concrete Bench Floriculture Bench
Timing of Carnation Propagation Floriculture Carnation propagation
More on Scorch of Croft Lilies Floriculture Scorch of Croft Lilies
The Possible Role of Manure in Disseminating Carnation Wilt Disease Floriculture Manure
The Response of Carnation Varieties William Sim and White Patrician to Various Levels of Nitrate and Soil Moisture Floriculture Reponse
Cutting and Pruning Methods on Better Times Roses Floriculture Cutting and pruning
The Response of Carnation Varieties William Sim and White Patrician to Various Levels of Nitrates and Soil Moisture Floriculture Response of carnation
The Effect of Mosaic on the Yield and Quality of Carnations Floriculture Mosaic
Carnation Cropping Systems- A Report of Progress Floriculture Carnation cropping
First Year Important in Hydrangea Nutrition Floriculture Hydrangea
Liquid Feeding for Greenhouses Floriculture Liquid feeding
The Complexity of the Fusarium Problem Floriculture Fusarium
The Role of the Second Pinch in Carnation Production Timing Floriculture Second pinch
An Effect of Aster Yellows Virus on Carnation Blossoms Floriculture Aster yellows virus
Cyclamen Production Shortened Floriculture Cyclamen
Results of Spray Tests for the Control of Carnation Rust Floriculture Spray tests
Results of Additions of Kirllium or Organic Matter to Three Soil Types Floriculture Krilium
The Nature of the Wilt of Carnations caused by Pseudomonas caryophylli (Bacterial Wilt) Floriculture Nature of the wilt
A Comparison of Two Cutting Methods on Better Times and Pink Delight Roses Floriculture Comparison
Can Calyx Splitting on Carnations be Reduced by Delay of Disbudding Floriculture Calyx splitting
Carnation Bud Rot Floriculture Carnation bud rot
The Carnation as a Carrier of Wilt-producing Fusaria Floriculture Carnation
Cold Storage of Carnation Cuttings Brought up to Date Floriculture Cold storage
The Carnation in Legend and Fable Floriculture Carnation in legend
A Physical Survey of Forty Colorado Greenhouse Soils Floriculture A physical survey
A Few Notes on pH of Soils Floriculture A few notes on pH
Carnation Pimple- A New Bacterial Disease Floriculture Carnation pimple
Summary of Carnation Soil Treatments with Fungicides in Denver Floriculture Carnation soil treatments
Carnation Timing from a Single Pinch Floriculture Carnation timing
Malformation Studies on Better Times Rose Floriculture Malformation
Carnation Timing from Second Pinches Floriculture Carnation timing
Temperature Determines Wilt Expression by Fusarium Carriers Floriculture Temperature
Variety Trials with Early and Late Chrysanthemums at Fort Collins- 1952 Floriculture Variety trials
Marketing Our Growing Production Floriculture Marketing
Preliminary Investigation on the Mycorrhizal Relationship Between Carnations and Fusarium oxysporum f. dianthi Floriculture Preliminary
Unusually High Day Temperatures Cause Carnation Calyxes to Split Floriculture Unusually high
Carnation Cutting Methods and Two-Year Culture Floriculture Carnation cutting
Production Cycles on Roses Floriculture Production cycle on roses
Carnation Mother Stock Must Have Ample Nitrogen Floriculture Carnation mother stock
Carnations are Tolerant to a Wide Range of Soil Moisutres Floriculture Carnation tolerant
Black Mold Root Rot of Rose Floriculture Black mold
Influence on Cut Flower Keeping Floriculture Influence on cut flower keeping
Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium Nutrition of Carnations Floriculture Potassium, Sodium
Effects of Particle Size on the Rooting Medium on the Rooting of Carnation Cuttings Floriculture Particle size
Two-Year Culture of Carnations Floriculture Two-year
Calyx Splitting of Carnations is Inherited Floriculture Calyx splitting
Temperature Preceding Cutting Affects Rose Color Floriculture Temperature preceding
The Effect of Light Intensity on the Quality and Production of Better Times Roses Floriculture Light intensity
Some Effects of Additions of Clay and Peat to Carnation Soils Floriculture Additions of clay and peat
Pathogenicity of Eight Strains of Carnation Mosaic Virus Floriculture Pathogenicity
Spacing for Direct-Benched Carnation Cuttings Floriculture Spacing for direct
Storage of Cut Carnations with Some Fruits and Vegetables Floriculture Storage of cut carnations
Food Supply Changes Day to Day Floriculture Food supply
Food Supply Changes During the Day Floriculture Food supply
Food Supply of Cuttings While in Storage and During Rooting Floriculture Food supply
Stored Food in Carnation Cuttings Floriculture Stored food
What to Do with Small Canes on Roses Floriculture Small canes
Resistant Carnation Varieties May Carry Bacterial Wilt Floriculture Resistant carnation
The Growth of Carnations in Artificial Media Floriculture Growth of carnation
Low pH Joins Sanitation Measures in Fight on Pointsettia Root Rot Floriculture Low pH
Care of Carnation Mother Blocks Floriculture Care of carnation
Extending the Day Length on Poinsettias Floriculture Extending the day
Performance of 36 Chrysanthemum Varieties in Pots - Fall 1953 Floriculture Performance of 36
Second Pinching on Carnations Floriculture Second pinching
Fusarium Stem Rot of Carnations Floriculture Fusarium With the advent of the practice of producing clean cut…
Year Around Asters for Kansas Floriculture Year around asters
A Comparison of Three Cutting Heights on Carnations Floriculture Comparison of three cutting heig
The Effect of Cutting Method on Timing of Second Crop Floriculture Cutting method
Cutting and Grading Influence Cut Flower Keeping Floriculture Cutting and grading
Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium Nutrition of Carnations- Part 2 Floriculture Potassium, Sodium
Hormone Preparations for Carnation Propagation Floriculture Hormone
Iron Sequestrene for Rose Chlorosis Control Floriculture Iron sequestrene
Soil Temperature has Little Effect on Carnation Timing Floriculture Soil temperature
A Fine Climate for Greenhouse Culture is at Our Back Door Floriculture Fine climate
Cut Flower Keeping Studies Floriculture Cut flower keeping
Liquid Feeding Floriculture Liquid feeding
Fast Schedule Chrysanthemums Floriculture Fast schedule There is a growing interest in the production of short…
Tests with Cut Flower Preservatives Floriculture Tests with cut flower
Early Winter Asters Floriculture Early winter asters
Resistance of Some Carnation Varieties to Fusarium Stem Rot Floriculture Resistance of some
Growing Carnations More than One Year Floriculture Growing carnations more
How Gradual Pruning is Done Floriculture How gradual pruning
Irrigation of Greenhouse Crops Floriculture Irrigation of greenhouse crops
Carnation Flowers Keep Best from Mature Plants Floriculture Carnations flowers keep
Fast Schedule Chrysanthemums Floriculture Fast schedule The results of our first fast schedule chrysanthemums …
Thinking abobut Carnation Diseases- 1954-1955 Floriculture Thinking about
Reselction of Carnation of Varieties Floriculture Reselction of carnation varietie
Carnations Are Not Sensitive to Different Soil Phosphorus Levels Floriculture Carnations are not
Carnations Can be Grown Wet IF the Soil is Adequately Supplied with Air Floriculture Carnations can be grown
Basic Methods of Irrigating Greenhouse Carnations Floriculture Basic methods
Red Delight Roses May Be Pruned Low Floriculture Red delight roses
The Sugar Content of Flower Stems is a Reliable Measure of Carnation Cut Flower Life Floriculture Sugar content
Growing Temperatures are Extremely Critical During Short Days or in Dark Weather Floriculture Growing temperatures
Resistance of Carnations to Fusarium Stem Rot in the Nurse Bed Floriculture Resistance of carnations
Production Costs Floriculture Production costs We are in the business of growing flowers. We may conj…
Cost of Growing Roses Floriculture Growing roses
Can Diseases Develop Under Mist Floriculture Can diseases develop
The Effects of Thinning on Production and Grade Floriculture Effects of thinning
Control of Fusarium Stem Rot with Cutting Dips Floriculture Control of fusarium
Carnation Timing with Air Cooling Floriculture Carnation timing
More on Production Costs Floriculture More on production costs
Nutrition Control for Carnations Floriculture Nutrition control
Varaiability in Better Times Rose Floriculture Variability
A Report on the Economics Workshop Floriculture Report on eonomics
Applications of Fungicides or Antibiotics to Carnation Cuttings through a Mist Propagative System Floriculture Applications of fungicides
What Source of Nirtogen for Carnations Floriculture Source of nitrogen
Adding Boron to Greenhouse Soils Floriculture Add boron to greenhouse soils
Some Effects of Fall Pinching on Red Delight Roses Floriculture Some effects of fall pinching